Sikkim Himalayan Academy
The school started in March 2003 and in 2008 will provide education for about 80 children, 50 of these are housed at the school and the rest are day children. The children are from the poorest in the region and this is their only chance of education. The school operates on charitable funds and good will.
Two Sikkimese teachers started the school with a Dutch women volunteer. Their aim is to provide:
-Sound education from qualified teachers
-Good health care
-Pastoral supervision
-Healthy varied diet and clean water
-Open and accountable funding accounts
The school has 7 classes. Nursery is for the 5 year olds, then LKG (lower kindergarten) for the 6year olds, next UKG (upper kindergarten) for 7 year olds and then classes 1, 2, 3 and 4. The classes are small. All education is in English except for the children’s mother tongue lesson. The syllabus is Indian State to enable the children to continue at a state school after SHA. There are 6 local teachers who are all wonderful dedicated people who work very long hours every day of the week.
The school day starts with prayers at 5.30 or 6 am; chores, breakfast and study time come before breakfast at 8 and assembly at 8.30. School starts at about 8.45. There are 2 lessons then break followed by another 2 before lunch. In the afternoon there are some days when there is only 1 lesson followed by clubs on other days there are 3 lessons. Children then have some free time before study time and the evening meal at about 6pm. Prayers again at 7 followed by stories and bed for the younger children and more study for the older children. It is a long day but there is much joy and laughter as well as hard work. The children are very affectionate, welcoming and enthusiastic.
Free time often involves sport of some sort: cricket, badminton, football or basketball. There are also plenty of walks with staff; the children love to go to play in the local river. Visits to a nearby monastery are also part of the routine. There is also much singing and dancing. The younger children love the swings and seesaw which were erected by volunteers. Children also like to read, knit and draw.
Sikkim is a very beautiful country but also very poor. Living standards are basic. The people are friendly and welcoming and the children are delightful. Teaching there is a very rewarding experience. Most of the population of Sikkim are Buddhist.
Bhuriokop where the school is situated is very rural, not on the tourist trail and surrounded by lush green jungle and mountains with many small rivers and waterfalls flooding into a majestic river the sound of which you can hear from the school when the children are quiet!
If you are still interested in finding out more you can check the website www.sikkimhimalayanacademy.org . What the school really needs are teachers with experience of the younger children.